被制裁的俄罗斯亿万富翁阿利舍尔·乌斯马诺夫 重新当选国际防御工事联合会主席 Sanctioned Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov re-elected president of International Fencing Federation.
俄罗斯亿万富翁Alisher Usmanov因与俄罗斯入侵乌克兰有联系而获得40多个国家的支持,再次当选国际抵抗联盟(FIE)主席。 Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov, sanctioned by over 40 countries for his ties to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, has been re-elected president of the International Fencing Federation (FIE). 乌斯马诺夫曾从 2008 年开始领导该组织,他的瑞典挑战者奥托·德拉肯伯格 (Otto Drakenberg) 赢得了 120 票对 26 票。 Usmanov, who previously led the organization from 2008, won 120 votes against 26 for his Swedish challenger, Otto Drakenberg. 尽管面临资产冻结和来自瑞士的警告,但Usmanov为该体育提供的财政支助保证了他的第五次任期。 Despite facing asset freezes and warnings from Switzerland, Usmanov's financial support for the sport secured his fifth term.