尼日利亚商人在拉各斯机场被捕,罪名是企图在胃部走私可卡因。 Nigerian businessman arrested at Lagos airport for attempting to smuggle cocaine in his stomach.
一名59岁的尼日利亚商人Ezeokoli Sylva在拉各斯机场被捕,因为他企图偷运藏在腹部的700克可卡因。 A 59-year-old Nigerian businessman, Ezeokoli Sylva, was arrested at Lagos airport for attempting to smuggle 700 grams of cocaine hidden in his stomach. 在巴西生活了35年的Sylva声称,他打算在尼日利亚出售毒品,以提振他的生意。 Sylva, who had been living in Brazil for 35 years, claimed he intended to sell the drugs in Nigeria to boost his business. 这些毒品是在国家禁毒执法机构从圣保罗抵达时对他进行尸体扫描时发现的。 The drugs were discovered during a body scan conducted by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) upon his arrival from São Paulo.