在圣安德鲁节的爱丁堡展出了一封推荐威廉华莱士的1300封信。 A 1300 letter recommending William Wallace was displayed in Edinburgh on St. Andrew's Day.
在圣安德鲁节,法国国王的一封历史性信件建议支持威廉·华莱士,该信在爱丁堡展出5个小时。 On St. Andrew's Day, a historic letter from the King of France recommending support for William Wallace was displayed for five hours in Edinburgh. 这份被称为“华莱士推荐信”的 1300 文件最后一次展示是在 2018 年,为了保存它,它被放在避光处。 Known as the "Wallace letter of recommendation," the 1300 document was last shown in 2018 and is kept out of light to preserve it. 该信在19世纪发现于伦敦塔后, 与2012年创建的两幅挂毯一同展出。 Discovered in the Tower of London in the 19th century, the letter was displayed alongside two tapestries inspired by it, created in 2012.