J&K警方在斯利那加逮捕了10名毒品贩子,根据《国民民主党法》没收了他们的财产。 J&K police arrested ten drug peddlers in Srinagar, seizing their properties under the NDPS Act.
查谟和克什米尔警察根据《防止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物法》在斯利那加逮捕了10名臭名昭著的毒品贩子。 Jammu and Kashmir police arrested ten notorious drug peddlers in Srinagar under the Prevention of Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act. 这些经销商参与了向青年大规模销售毒品的活动,并有以前《国家毒品管制制度法》案件的历史。 The peddlers were involved in large-scale drug sales to youth and have a history of previous NDPS Act cases. 警方正在没收他们的财产,并警告其他人采取法律行动遏制毒品交易,因为毒品交易可能资助恐怖主义和致瘾。 Police are seizing their properties and warning others of legal action to curb the drug trade, which can fund terrorism and cause addiction.