James Argent, "唯一的路是埃塞克斯"的明星, 展示他的第一个圣诞节的节日家庭, 与新女友Nicoline Artursson一起。 James Argent, star of "The Only Way Is Essex," showcases his festive home for his first Christmas with new girlfriend Nicoline Artursson.
因《唯一的路是埃塞克斯》而闻名的电视名人詹姆斯·阿金特 (James Argent) 向《镜报》展示了他在埃塞克斯的节日家,他将在那里与新女友尼古琳·阿瑟森 (Nicoline Artursson) 度过他的第一个圣诞节。 TV personality James Argent, known from "The Only Way Is Essex," has shown off his festive Essex home to The Mirror, where he will spend his first Christmas with his new girlfriend, Nicoline Artursson. 家里有一棵奇特的圣诞树 一架大钢琴 和漂亮的室外家具 The home features a quirky Christmas tree, a grand piano, and chic outdoor furniture. 曾接受过胃波段手术和康复治疗的阿根廷人保持了更健康的生活方式,并为他的旅程感到自豪。 Argent, who previously underwent gastric band surgery and rehab, has maintained a healthier lifestyle and is proud of his journey.