印地安警方被控在无证据的情况下没收FedEx包裹的现金,引发诉讼。 Indiana police accused of seizing cash from FedEx packages without evidence, sparking a lawsuit.
印地安警察面临指控,他们没收FedEx通过印第安纳波利斯这个主要枢纽的包裹的现金,但没有犯罪证据。 Indiana police are facing accusations of seizing cash from FedEx packages passing through Indianapolis, a major hub, without evidence of crimes. 这种做法被视为“以营利为目的的执法”,导致司法研究所提起诉讼,辩称这种做法违反了宪法规定的正当程序权。 The practice, seen as "policing for profit," led to the Institute for Justice filing a lawsuit, arguing it violates constitutional rights to due process. 批评者认为这引起了对正义和在证明有罪之前的无罪原则的关切。 Critics argue this raises concerns about justice and the principle of innocence until proven guilty.