印度选举委员会对Syed Shuja提出控诉,指控他虚假地声称有能力黑入EVMs。 Indian Election Commission files complaint against Syed Shuja for falsely claiming ability to hack EVMs.
印度选举委员会已对Syed Shuja提出警方投诉,指控他谎称他可以黑客电子投票机。 The Election Commission of India has filed a police complaint against Syed Shuja for falsely claiming he could hack Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs). 马哈拉施特拉州首席选举干事提出投诉,导致孟买网络警察局出现情情调查。 The Maharashtra chief electoral officer lodged the complaint, leading to an FIR at the Mumbai Cyber Police Station. 欧共体强调,EVMs是独立和防篡改的,最高法院已确认其完整性。 The EC emphasized that EVMs are standalone and tamper-proof, and the Supreme Court has affirmed their integrity.