法国滑雪运动员Tess Ledeux赢得了北京世界杯大空气, 获得了第十六届职业胜利。 French skier Tess Ledeux wins Beijing World Cup Big Air, securing her 16th career victory.
法国自由式滑雪选手Tess Ledeux声称在Big Air Shougang场地世界杯系列赛的北京赛段获胜, French freestyle skier Tess Ledeux claimed victory in the Beijing leg of the World Cup series at the Big Air Shougang venue, marking her third visit to the site and securing her 16th career World Cup win. Ledeux在最后一回合中得168.25分,击败包括奥林匹克奖牌获得者在内的竞争者。 Ledeux scored 168.25 points in the final round, beating competitors including Olympic medalists. 以一贯和安全的条件而闻名的这个地点受到滑雪者的赞扬。 The venue, known for its consistent and safe conditions, has been praised by skiers.