Judi Dench女士(89岁)对没有更多孩子表示遗憾,尽管面临健康挑战,但计划采取行动。 Dame Judi Dench, 89, regrets not having more children, plans to act despite health challenges.
89岁的女演员Judi Dench女士以在James Bond电影中扮演的M角色而闻名。 她对没有与已故丈夫Michael Williams计划生六个孩子表示遗憾。 Dame Judi Dench, the 89-year-old actress known for her role as M in James Bond films, expressed regret over not having six children as planned with her late husband, actor Michael Williams. 他们只有一个女儿,Finty Williams, 也是一名女演员。 They had only one daughter, Finty Williams, who is also an actress. 尽管她工作了近70年,视力和听力越来越差,但Dennch希望活到100岁,并有更多的项目在工程中。 Despite her nearly 70-year career and deteriorating eyesight and hearing, Dench hopes to live to 100 and has more projects in the works.