塞城Little River附近90号公路的汽车被翻倒,其中一辆被送入医院,交通受到干扰。 Car overturns on Highway 90 near Little River, SC, hospitalizing one and disrupting traffic.
周六早上,一辆汽车在南卡罗来纳州Little River附近的90号公路上被翻转,导致一人住院。 A car overturned on Highway 90 near Little River, South Carolina, on Saturday morning, leading to one person being hospitalized. 事件发生在Carolina Pointe Way和90号公路交叉路口,造成交通中断。 The incident occurred at the intersection of Carolina Pointe Way and Highway 90, causing traffic disruptions. 霍里县消防救援队赶到现场,南卡罗来纳州公路巡逻队正在调查事故原因。 Horry County Fire Rescue attended the scene, and the South Carolina Highway Patrol is investigating the cause of the accident. 建议机动车驾驶员避开该地区。 Motorists are advised to avoid the area.