Munirathna和另外6人在印度Karnataka被控犯有谋杀阴谋和性行为不端罪。 BJP MLA Munirathna and six others are charged with murder plot and sexual misconduct in Karnataka, India.
印度卡纳塔克邦已对 BJP MLA Munirathna 和其他六人提起新案件,指控他们涉嫌密谋谋杀一名前 JD(S) BBMP 承包商及其丈夫,以及和侮辱一名妇女的猥亵罪。 A new case has been filed against BJP MLA Munirathna and six others in Karnataka, India, for allegedly plotting to murder a former JD(S) BBMP contractor and her husband, along with charges of voyeurism and outraging a woman's modesty. FIR 是根据承包商的投诉注册的,承包商声称 Munirathna 要求支付 200 万卢比的合同佣金。 The FIR was registered based on a complaint by the contractor, who alleged that Munirathna demanded a commission of Rs 20 lakh for a contract. Munirathna以前曾因骚扰和威胁被捕,并被保释。 Munirathna was previously arrested and released on bail for harassment and threatening.