阿塞拜疆在联合国非洲裔权利活动上讨论殖民影响的小组。 Azerbaijan's group to address colonial impacts at UN event on African descent rights.
阿塞拜疆巴库倡议小组(BIG)将参加12月2日至6日在纽约举行的关于非洲人后裔权利的联合国第三十五届会议。 Azerbaijan's Baku Initiative Group (BIG) will join the 35th UN session on the rights of people of African descent in New York from December 2 to 6. 这次活动旨在解决历史不公正问题,促进权利保护。 The event aims to address historical injustices and promote rights protection. BIG的执行主任Abbas Abbasov将介绍以殖民主义及其影响为重点的项目。 Abbas Abbasov, BIG's Executive Director, will present projects focusing on colonialism and its impacts. 将举行一次会外活动,讨论在受影响的领土上恢复司法和铲除殖民主义的问题。 A side event will discuss justice restoration and colonialism eradication in affected territories.