印度快运航空每天开通加尔各答至布莱尔港的航班,并计划在 12 月中旬之前翻倍。 Air India Express starts daily Kolkata to Port Blair flights, with plans to double by mid-December.
印度航空公司快递公司每日从加尔各答飞往布莱尔港的航班,计划从12月15日起将航班频率增加一倍,每天两次航班。 Air India Express has launched daily flights from Kolkata to Port Blair, with plans to double the frequency to two flights daily starting December 15. 这一扩展旨在增强与安达曼群岛的连通性,并反映航空公司扩大在该区域的存在这一更广泛的战略。 This expansion aims to boost connectivity to the Andaman Islands and reflects the airline's broader strategy to grow its presence in the region. 印度航空公司快递也将今年冬季的加尔各答服务增加37%,并计划增加更多路线,包括从2025年1月1日起飞往钦奈的航班。 Air India Express has also increased its Kolkata services by 37% this winter and plans to add more routes, including flights to Chennai starting January 1, 2025.