AIFXL提出了AI贸易解决方案《计算法》,尽管出于道德考虑,但仍为零售投资者重塑了Forex市场。 AIFXL introduces AI trading solution The Calculus, reshaping forex markets for retail investors despite ethical concerns.
以伦敦为基地的AIFXL公司正在以其AI解决方案“Calculus”来改变Forex贸易行业。 AIFXL, a London-based company, is transforming the forex trading industry with its AI solution, The Calculus. 该技术分析全球经济数据和市场趋势,以便自主地进行精确的贸易,使零售商有一个优势。 The technology analyzes global economic data and market trends to execute precise trades autonomously, giving retail traders an edge. 虽然对市场不平衡和道德的担忧已经浮出水面,但AIFXL的成功展示了AI对金融的影响,为零售投资者提供了新机会。 While concerns about market imbalances and ethics have surfaced, AIFXL's success showcases AI's impact on finance, offering new opportunities for retail investors.