由于技术问题,在12月5日之前,孟买、Thane和Bhiwandi的供水受到中断的影响。 Water supply disruptions affect Mumbai, Thane, and Bhiwandi until Dec 5 due to a technical issue.
由于Pise、Mumbai、Thane和Bhiwandi供水系统的技术问题,到12月5日,供水系统将发生10%的中断。 Due to a technical issue with the water supply system at Pise, Mumbai, Thane, and Bhiwandi will experience a 10% water disruption until December 5. Brihanmumbai市政公司(BMC)正在努力修复气动门系统,预计修补工作将在12月2日前完成。 The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) is working to repair the pneumatic gate system, with fixes expected to be completed by December 2. 敦促居民在此期间节约用水。 Residents are urged to conserve water during this period.