Trump与2025年项目的数字合作,对重选后立场的转变提出批评。 Trump works with Project 2025 figures, drawing criticism for shifting stance post-re-election.
特朗普总统曾经在竞选期间否决了称为2025年项目的右翼政策计划,现在据报正与该计划的关键人物合作。 President Trump, who once dismissed the right-wing policy plan called Project 2025 during his campaign, is now reportedly working with key figures from the plan. 这些数字,包括Stephen Miller和Thomas Homan,都在监督联邦预算、情报和移民等领域。 These figures, including Stephen Miller and Thomas Homan, are overseeing areas like the federal budget, intelligence, and immigration. 批评者说特朗普的轮班显示,他无视选民的担忧,因为他赢得了第二个任期。 Critics say Trump's shift shows he's ignoring voters' concerns now that he has won a second term.