土著歌手兼歌手Tia Wood发表了她的首张专辑, 将研发与克里族传统混为一谈。 Tia Wood, an Indigenous singer-songwriter, released her debut album blending R&B with Cree traditions.
Tia Wood是艾伯塔州Saddle湖克里族歌手, 于9月27日发行首张专辑《小红鸟》。 Tia Wood, a singer-songwriter from Saddle Lake Cree Nation in Alberta, released her debut album "Pretty Red Bird" on September 27th. 她的音乐融合了土著传统与R&B和流行音乐,受到艾塔·詹姆斯和艾米·怀恩豪斯等艺术家的启发. Her music combines Indigenous traditions with R&B and Pop, inspired by artists like Etta James and Amy Winehouse. Wood有数百万社交媒体追随者,旨在激励年轻的土著粉丝,表明无论背景如何,成功都是可以实现的。 With millions of social media followers, Wood aims to inspire young Indigenous fans, showing that success is achievable regardless of background.