三名青少年在阿拉巴马州因驾车枪击、汽车失窃和追逐事故被捕。 Three juveniles faced arrest in Alabama for drive-by shootings, car theft, and a chase crash.
3名13至17岁的少年在阿拉巴马州劳伦斯县被捕,因为他们参与2次开车射击和偷窃车辆。 Three juveniles, aged 13 to 17, were arrested in Lawrence County, Alabama, for their involvement in two drive-by shootings and stealing a vehicle. 事件发生在11月17日和19日,11月28日报告了被盗车辆。 The incidents occurred on Nov. 17 and 19, with the stolen vehicle being reported on Nov. 28. 嫌疑人带领警察追逐,最后与另一辆车相撞。 The suspects led police on a chase, which ended in a collision with another vehicle. 他们因枪击、汽车盗窃和离开造成受伤的事故现场而被拘留。 They were taken into custody for the shootings, car theft, and leaving the scene of an accident causing injuries.