Sony正在开发一个黑色游戏平台门户和配件, Sony is developing a black PlayStation Portal and accessories, enhancing options for gamers.
据报告,Sony正在开发其PlayStation门户网站设备的黑色版本,目前允许用户使用流游戏。 Sony is reportedly developing a black version of its PlayStation Portal device, which currently allows users to stream games. 这个新的颜色选项,连同其他黑色游戏5附件,旨在为游戏家提供更多的定制。 This new color option, along with other black PlayStation 5 accessories, aims to offer more customization for gamers. The Portal 最近收到了固件更新以增强其云流媒体功能,这表明索尼可能正在考虑重返掌上游戏市场。 The Portal recently received a firmware update to enhance its cloud streaming capabilities, suggesting Sony might be considering a return to the handheld gaming market.