沙特阿拉伯结束美国防御条约, 寻求以色列正常化, 向巴勒斯坦国迈进。 Saudi Arabia ends U.S. defense pact, seeks Israel normalization with steps toward Palestinian state.
沙特阿拉伯放弃了与美国的全面防卫条约,以换取与以色列关系正常化,而选择了更有限的军事合作协议。 Saudi Arabia has abandoned a comprehensive defense treaty with the U.S. in exchange for normalizing relations with Israel, opting instead for a more limited military cooperation deal. 沙特王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼(Mohammed bin Salman)要求采取具体步骤实现巴勒斯坦国正常化, This shift follows public anger over Israel's actions in Gaza, making Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman demand concrete steps toward a Palestinian state for normalization. 新协定将扩大联合军事演习,促进国防公司伙伴关系,而不需要具有约束力的共同防御条约,有可能在拜登总统离职前绕过国会的批准。 The new agreement would expand joint military exercises and foster defense firm partnerships without requiring a binding mutual defense pact, potentially bypassing congressional approval before President Biden leaves office.