Somrset的海洋冒险家为孩子们推出“ELF学校”, Ocean Adventurers in Somerset launches "Elf School" for kids, with Santa visit and crafts, starting Dec 1st.
海洋冒险家在萨默塞特(Cheddar)的室内游乐中心(Semerset)为12岁以下的儿童提供“Elf学校”经验, Ocean Adventurers, an indoor play center in Cheddar, Somerset, offers a "Elf School" experience for kids up to age 12 this Christmas. 2小时15分钟的会议包括制作个性化精灵帽、装饰品和热巧克力配料,以及参观圣诞老人的餐厅。 The two-hour and 15-minute session includes making personalized elf hats, ornaments, and a hot chocolate mix, plus a visit to Santa's grotto. 从12月1日起,罚单已经订了75%的票,由于需求量大,还可能增加会议次数。 Starting December 1st, tickets are already 75% booked, with additional sessions likely due to high demand. 欲了解更多信息,请访问海洋冒险家.com。 For more information, visit