新德里开发了Yamuna Vatiika,这是一个拥有树木、竹子和水体的450英亩大面积绿色空间。 New Delhi develops Yamuna Vatiika, a large 450-acre green space with trees, bamboo, and water bodies.
新德里正在开发Yamuna Vatiika, 这是一个450英亩的绿地, New Delhi is developing Yamuna Vatiika, a 450-acre green space that will be the city's largest. 该项目由德里发展局牵头,包括三层花卉设计、8 000棵土著树木、10 000棵竹子植物和4个水体用于节水和洪水管理。 Led by the Delhi Development Authority, the project includes a triple-layered floral design, 8,000 indigenous trees, 10,000 bamboo plants, and four water bodies for water conservation and flood management. 它旨在成为大自然爱人和家庭的避风港,增强德里的生态和审美吸引力。 It aims to be a haven for nature lovers and families, enhancing Delhi's ecological and aesthetic appeal.