马来西亚教育部长为受洪灾影响的学生提供考试灵活性和支持。 Malaysian education minister offers exam flexibility and support for flood-affected students.
教育部长Fadhlina Sidek宣布,来自受洪水影响的学校的SPM候选人可以在任何指定的中心参加考试,以确保他们不处于不利地位。 Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek announced that SPM candidates from flood-affected schools can take their exams at any designated center to ensure they are not disadvantaged. 该部还计划向受洪灾影响的人提供心理社会支持。 The ministry also plans to provide psychosocial support to those affected by the floods. 此外,已采取措施,为泰国戈洛克的马来西亚学生提供住宿,确保他们能够从12月1日起合法上学。 Additionally, measures have been put in place to accommodate Malaysian students in Golok, Thailand, ensuring they can attend school legally starting December 1.