A3.575M Canmore的家售价为320万美元,因为一棵树和附近建筑阻塞了观光。 A $3.575M Canmore home sold for $3.2M after views were obstructed by a treeline and nearby construction.
受阻的视图和附近的一个建筑工地减缓了出售357.5万美元的Canmore住宅的速度,导致价格削减和最终销售320万美元。 Obstructed views and a nearby construction site slowed the sale of a $3.575 million Canmore home, leading to price cuts and a final sale at $3.2 million. 位于离市中心500米处的四间卧室房屋有一个客厅,内有保险柜天花板和加热地板。 The four-bedroom house, located 500 meters from downtown, features a living room with vaulted ceilings and heated floors. 尽管地处重要地点,但地产的吸引力因厚厚的树线和建筑而减弱,使买家望而却步,直到再次到访者提出要约。 Despite its prime location, the property's appeal was diminished by the thick treeline and construction, deterring buyers until a repeat visitor made an offer.