传说中的摩托车手 Malcolm Smith 83岁 死亡 结束了体育和商业界的辉煌职业生涯 Legendary motorcyclist Malcolm Smith, 83, dies, ending a notable career in sports and business.
传说中的摩托车手和河滨商业老板Malcolm Smith83岁去世。 Legendary motorcyclist and Riverside business owner Malcolm Smith passed away at 83. Smith因其对摩托车社区的贡献以及他在当地的商业成就而受到庆祝。 Smith was celebrated for his contributions to the motorcycle community and his local business achievements. 他的去世标志着在运动场和创业领域一个显著的职业生涯的结束。 His death marks the end of a notable career in both motorsports and entrepreneurship.