Josh Allen的前男友 Brittany Williams 声称她黑客Instagram 展示了一篇被删掉的批评他的文章。 Josh Allen's ex, Brittany Williams, claims her hacked Instagram showed a deleted post critical of him.
乔什·艾伦的前女友布里塔尼·威廉姆斯说她的Instagram被黑客攻击, Josh Allen's ex-girlfriend, Brittany Williams, says her Instagram was hacked after screenshots showed her allegedly criticizing Allen following his engagement to Hailee Steinfeld. 据报告,被删除的评论嘲弄了Allen,指证CTE,这是一种与运动员头部受伤有关的疾病。 The deleted comment reportedly mocked Allen, referencing CTE, a disease linked to head injuries in athletes. 威廉姆斯声称她多次被黑客入侵 并正在努力解决这个问题。 Williams has stated she has been hacked multiple times and is working to fix the issue.