意大利和印度讨论了加强基础设施、造船和空间探索领域的合作。 Italy and India discuss enhancing cooperation in infrastructure, shipbuilding, and space exploration.
正如Bloomberg所报告的,意大利和印度正在探索在港口基础设施、造船和游艇制造方面加强合作。 Italy and India are exploring enhanced cooperation in port infrastructure, shipbuilding, and yacht manufacturing, as reported by Bloomberg. 在孟买的一次活动中,工业部长Adolfo Urso强调了这些讨论。 Industry Minister Adolfo Urso highlighted these discussions during an event in Mumbai. 会谈还涉及空间探索等更广泛的领域,目的是加深两国之间的经济联系和合作。 The talks also cover broader areas like space exploration, aiming to deepen economic ties and collaboration between the two nations.