爱尔兰社会民主党领袖Holly Cairns在Cork竞选连任时于选举当天分娩。 Irish Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns gave birth on election day while running for re-election in Cork.
爱尔兰社会民主党领袖Holly Cairns在爱尔兰选举日生下一名女婴, Irish Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns gave birth to a baby girl on election day in Ireland, where she was running for re-election in Cork South-West. Cairns于2023年3月成为政党领袖,但由于她怀孕,在最后两周退出了全国竞选活动。 Cairns, who became the party leader in March 2023, had stepped back from national campaigning in the final two weeks due to her pregnancy. 社会民主党的目标是在2020年赢得6个席位的选举中取得进步。 The Social Democrats aim to make gains in the election, having won six seats in 2020.