印度首席部长Mohan Yadav从英国和德国返回,旨在吸引外国投资。 Indian Chief Minister Mohan Yadav returns from UK and Germany trip aimed at attracting foreign investments.
印度国家首席部长Mohan Yadav于11月24日至30日对联合王国和德国进行了为期6天的访问,之后返回德里。 Mohan Yadav, the Chief Minister of an Indian state, returned to Delhi after a six-day trip to the UK and Germany from November 24 to 30. 他的访问旨在通过会见工业家、商业领袖和政府官员来吸引投资。 His visit aimed to attract investments by meeting with industrialists, business leaders, and government officials. Yadav返回德里后受到了热烈欢迎。 Yadav was warmly welcomed upon his return to Delhi.