我是Celeb的参赛者 由于新的10美元买入规则 以及Dean McCullough拒绝履行他的职责 面临越来越大的紧张 I'm A Celeb contestants face rising tensions due to new $10 buying rules and Dean McCullough's refusal to do his duties.
在“我是名人”中,参赛者之间的紧张局势正在加剧,特别是因为新规定允许他们在不工作的情况下以 10 美元的价格购买必需品。 In "I'm A Celeb," tensions are rising among the contestants, especially due to new rules allowing them to buy necessities for $10 without working. GK Barry和Jane Moore(通常是同事)与Barry的朋友Joe Baggs互动有限, 表示他们正专注于了解其他演员。 GK Barry and Jane Moore, usually colleagues, have had limited interactions, with Barry's friend Joe Baggs suggesting they're focusing on getting to know other cast members. Melvin Odoom成功地完成了“恐怖之门”的挑战, 但迪恩·麦卡洛夫拒绝履行他的职责加剧了难民营的紧张。 Melvin Odoom successfully completed the "Tank of Terror" challenge, but Dean McCullough's refusal to do his duties has added to the camp's tensions.