津巴布韦农民在旱情中, 采用耕法, 提供廉价、可持续的动物饲料, Zimbabwean farmers adopt maggot farming to provide cheap, sustainable animal feed amid drought.
津巴布韦农民正在采用蛆虫养殖作为解决干旱的方法,使用黑水虻幼虫作为动物饲料的廉价蛋白质来源。 Zimbabwean farmers are adopting maggot farming as a solution to drought, using black soldier fly larvae as a cheap protein source for animal feed. 这种创新做法还有助于管理废物和减少温室气体排放,通过将饲料成本降低约40%来刺激经济。 This innovative practice also helps manage waste and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, offering an economic boost by cutting feed costs by about 40%. 这种一度非常规的方法因其环境和资金效益而被采纳。 This once-unconventional method has been embraced for its environmental and financial benefits.