维多利亚州财政部在2026年英联邦运动会因费用超支而取消之前为它的建议辩护。 Victoria's finance department defended its advice before the cancellation of the 2026 Commonwealth Games due to cost overruns.
维多利亚州财政部在决定取消2026年英联邦运动会之前,为它向政府提供的咨询意见辩护。 The Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) defended its advice to the government before the decision to cancel the 2026 Commonwealth Games. 总审计员报告指责DTF未能提供"坦诚而完整的建议", 但DTF秘书克里斯巴雷特坚持认为他们的建议是全面和及时的. An auditor general's report accused the DTF of failing to provide "frank and full advice," but DTF Secretary Chris Barrett insisted their advice was comprehensive and timely. 运动会最初预计费用为26亿美元,但由于费用增至69亿美元而被取消,维多利亚州的费用超过5.89亿美元,其中包括3.80亿美元的补偿。 The Games were initially projected to cost $2.6 billion but were canceled due to costs rising to $6.9 billion, resulting in over $589 million in costs for Victoria, including $380 million in compensation.