Tim Bray戏剧公司是新西兰无障碍儿童剧院的先锋,将在33年后关闭。 Tim Bray Theatre Company, a pioneer in accessible children's theatre in New Zealand, will close after 33 years.
蒂姆布雷剧院公司是新西兰无障碍儿童剧院33年的领头人,将于今年年底关闭。 The Tim Bray Theatre Company, a leader in accessible children's theatre in New Zealand for 33 years, will close at the end of this year. 该公司成立于1991年,推出首创性无障碍举措,包括NZSL为聋哑儿童解释的表演、触摸旅游和音频介绍节目。 Founded in 1991, the company introduced pioneering accessibility initiatives, including NZSL-interpreted performances for Deaf children, touch tours, and audio-described shows. 尽管该公司关闭,但对艺术无障碍的积极影响将持续下去。 Despite its closure, the company’s positive impact on accessibility in the arts will endure.