南泽西学生以手语签署「生日快乐」, 使他们的聋哑治疗犬柯尔感到惊讶。 South Jersey students surprised their deaf therapy dog, Cole, by signing "Happy Birthday" in sign language.
南泽西学校的学童在他们的失聪治疗狗柯尔(Cole)8岁生日时, 学习手语唱「生日快乐」, School kids in South Jersey surprised their deaf therapy dog, Cole, on his 8th birthday by learning to sing "Happy Birthday" in sign language. 柯尔(Cole)是克里斯·汉娜2017年收养的斗牛犬, 在学校当了将近七年的治疗犬, 帮助学生了解接受感和残疾意识。 Cole, a pit bull adopted by Chris Hannah in 2017, has been a therapy dog at the school for nearly seven years, helping students understand acceptance and disability awareness. 科尔的影响力导致了科尔团队项目的创立,该项目获得了总统银质服务奖,并记录了500多个志愿者小时。 Cole's impact led to the creation of the Team Cole Project, which has received the Presidential Silver Service Award and logged over 500 volunteer hours.