尼日利亚总统Tinubu在巴黎会见了法国总统Macron,以加强关键领域的联系。 Nigerian President Tinubu met French President Macron in Paris to strengthen ties in key areas.
尼日利亚总统博拉·蒂努布访问了法国,他和法国总统埃马纽埃尔·麦克隆在法国用尼日利亚当地语言皮德金英语交换了闲暇话。 Nigerian President Bola Tinubu visited France, where he and French President Emmanuel Macron exchanged pleasantries in Pidgin English, a local Nigerian language. Macron欢迎Tinubu, 提及他过去在法国驻尼日利亚大使馆的实习。 Macron welcomed Tinubu, referencing his past internship at the French embassy in Nigeria. 两位领导人强调加强尼日利亚与法国在农业、安全和教育等领域的伙伴关系。 Both leaders emphasized strengthening the partnership between Nigeria and France in areas like agriculture, security, and education. 这次访问旨在加强两国间的政治、经济和文化联系。 The visit aimed to enhance political, economic, and cultural ties between the two nations.