新西兰的Haast公路重新开通,安全和维修时间受到限制。 New Zealand's Haast Highway reopens with restricted hours for safety and maintenance.
新西兰的Haast高速公路(SH6)于11月9日关闭, 因为暴雨造成山崩和岩石塌陷, The Haast Highway (SH6) in New Zealand, closed since Nov. 9 due to severe rain causing landslides and rock falls, will reopen overnight starting Friday, after safety checks. 然而,在暴雨期间,它仍将在夜间关闭,在星期二和星期四从下午12时至下午5时关闭,以进行岩石稳定工作。 However, it will still close at night during heavy rain and from 12 pm to 5 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays for rock stabilization work. 新西兰运输署建议检查更新情况,以避免延误。 The New Zealand Transport Agency advises checking for updates to avoid delays.