在新西兰,地方团体采用可持续做法清洁河流,利用讲故事来推动社区参与。 In New Zealand, local groups adopt sustainable practices to clean rivers, using storytelling to boost community involvement.
在新西兰奥特亚罗亚,由于城市化和土地管理不善,三分之二的河流被认为无法通行。 In Aotearoa New Zealand, two-thirds of rivers are deemed unswimmable due to urbanization and poor land management. 为解决这一问题,地方团体正在采取种植植被和改变耕作方法等可持续做法。 To address this, local groups are adopting sustainable practices like planting vegetation and changing farming methods. 集体讲故事被视为促进社区参与和致力于恢复河流的强大工具。 Collective storytelling is seen as a powerful tool for fostering community involvement and commitment to river restoration. Aotearoa陆地空气水平台现在允许社区分享其恢复努力和故事,强调信任和真实叙事在激励行动方面的重要性。 The Land Air Water Aotearoa platform now allows communities to share their restoration efforts and stories, highlighting the importance of trust and authentic narratives in inspiring action.