纽约巨人队四分卫 Drew Lock的争斗 突显了球队不断的进攻和训练挑战 New York Giants quarterback Drew Lock struggles, highlighting the team's ongoing offensive and coaching challenges.
纽约巨人队四分卫的情况仍然是一项挑战,影响到他们的总体业绩。 The New York Giants' quarterback situation remains a challenge, impacting their overall performance. 在尝试了丹尼尔·琼斯和汤米·德维托之后,球队最近转向了德鲁·洛克,他在感恩节对阵达拉斯牛仔队的比赛中表现不佳。 After trying Daniel Jones and Tommy DeVito, the team recently turned to Drew Lock, who struggled in a Thanksgiving game against the Dallas Cowboys. 尽管开场的动力很强,但洛克无法保持稳定的比赛,球队的进攻功能也持续不佳. Despite a strong opening drive, Lock's inability to maintain consistent play and the team's offensive dysfunction persisted. Brian Daboll总教练面临潜在的就业无保障问题。 With the Giants' poor record, head coach Brian Daboll faces potential job insecurity. 然而,洛克的短暂的能力时刻 为挣扎的团队提供了一线希望 However, Lock's brief moments of competence offer a glimmer of hope for the struggling team.