全国大会党总长Ajit Pawar计划参加德里选举,以重新获得国家地位,并驳回EVM滥用索赔要求。 NCP chief Ajit Pawar plans to contest Delhi elections to regain national status, dismissing EVM misuse claims.
民族主义大会党(NCP)领袖Ajit Pawar宣布计划参加即将到来的德里大会选举, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Ajit Pawar announced plans to contest the upcoming Delhi assembly elections, aiming to regain the party's national status lost last year. Pawar驳回了关于在最近的马哈拉施特拉邦选举中滥用EVM的指控,全国大会党与BJP和Shiv Sena一起赢得了绝大多数选票。 Pawar dismissed allegations of EVM misuse in the recent Maharashtra elections, where the NCP, along with BJP and Shiv Sena, won a significant majority. 该党计划在德里举行一次国民大会,讨论今后的步骤,将其影响力扩大到马哈拉施特拉邦以外。 The party plans to hold a national convention in Delhi to discuss future steps and expand its influence beyond Maharashtra.