马尼托巴政府寻求通过新的立法委员会支持印刷媒体。 Manitoba government seeks to support print media through a new legislature committee.
马尼托巴政府正在研究如何支持印刷媒体,包括各种语言的报纸和文化出版物。 The Manitoba government is looking into ways to support print media outlets, including newspapers and cultural publications in various languages. 他们计划设立一个包括反对派进步保守党在内的立法委员会,探讨可能的支助措施,并在一年内提出报告。 They plan to set up a legislature committee, including the Opposition Progressive Conservatives, to explore possible support measures and report back within a year. 该倡议旨在维护面临数字挑战的多样和可靠的印刷新闻。 This initiative aims to preserve diverse and reliable print journalism amid digital challenges.