马耳他同意到2030年增加工资和改善33 000名公共工人条件的13亿欧元协议。 Malta agrees €1.3 billion deal to boost wages and improve conditions for 33,000 public workers by 2030.
马耳他已达成一项13亿欧元的协议,以改善33 000多名公共部门工人的工资和工作条件,该协定于2025年1月生效。 Malta has reached a €1.3 billion agreement to improve wages and working conditions for over 33,000 public sector workers, taking effect in January 2025. 该协议持续到2030年,其中包括大幅加薪,到2030年,管理人员和警察检查员的年最高工资将提高到42 000欧元。 The deal, which lasts until 2030, includes significant salary hikes, with maximum yearly wages for managers and police inspectors rising to €42,000 by 2030. 它还为长期服务工人提供长寿津贴,提高加班率,并设立一个新的和解委员会处理纠纷。 It also introduces a longevity allowance for long-serving workers, higher overtime rates, and a new reconciliation board to handle disputes.