凯蒂·普莱斯 (Katie Price) 因吸电子烟、违反场地规则而受到“灰姑娘”制作人的警告。 Katie Price receives warning from 'Cinderella' producers for vaping, violating venue rules.
46 岁的凯蒂·普莱斯 (Katie Price) 在诺斯威奇纪念球场 (Northwich Memorial Court) 排练仅一天后就收到了《灰姑娘》制片人的警告,原因是她在室内吸电子烟违反了场地规则。 Katie Price, 46, received a warning from the producers of "Cinderella" at Northwich Memorial Court after only one day of rehearsals due to her indoor vaping, which violates venue rules. 普莱斯曾是一名魅力模特,此前曾承诺戒掉电子烟,但有人看到他在包括火车在内的公共场所戒烟。 Price, a former glamour model, had previously promised to quit vaping but has been seen doing it in public places, including a train. 虽然在英国,在公共场合吸电子烟并不违法,但许多场所都有自己的限制。 Though vaping in public isn't illegal in the UK, many venues have their own restrictions.