Jennifer Lopez在新电影《不可阻挡》中讨论拉丁美洲人和明星的职业挑战。 Jennifer Lopez discusses career challenges for Latinas and stars in new film "Unstoppable."
Jennifer Lopez在开始职业生涯时讨论了拉丁裔人的有限作用,认为她独特的观点和打破定型观念的决心是可信的。 Jennifer Lopez discussed the limited roles for Latinas when she started her career, crediting her unique perspective and determination for breaking stereotypes. 在她最新的电影《不可阻挡》中, 她描绘了一位单腿摔跤手的母亲, 她克服了逆境,成为冠军。 In her latest film, "Unstoppable," she portrays the mother of a one-legged wrestler who overcame adversity to become a champion. 洛佩兹强调她热爱艺术, 并致力于讲出鼓舞人心的普世故事。 Lopez emphasizes her love for the art and her commitment to telling inspiring, universal stories.