爱尔兰饶舌乐队Kneecap胜诉英国政府拒绝资助案, Irish rap group Kneecap wins court case against UK government over funding refusal.
爱尔兰语言说唱团体Kneecap赢得了一场与英国政府的法律斗争, 英国拒绝给予他们14,250英镑的音乐出口增长计划申请。 Irish language rap group Kneecap won a legal battle against the UK government, which had refused to grant them £14,250 for their Music Export Growth Scheme application. 法院裁定该裁决非法,在程序上不公正。 The court ruled the decision was unlawful and procedurally unfair. Kneecap将获得资金,并计划将其捐赠给贝尔法斯特的两个青年组织,同时支持艺术自由和社区方案。 Kneecap will receive the funds and plans to donate them to two youth organizations in Belfast, supporting both artistic freedom and community programs.