尽管收益不及预期且分析师评级调整后,投资者仍增持了 Dollar General 的股份。 Investors boost stakes in Dollar General despite earnings miss and adjusted analyst ratings.
投资者增持了 Dollar General 的股份,Dynamic Technology Lab 和 Centric Wealth Management 在第三季度增持了股票。 Investors have increased their stakes in Dollar General, with Dynamic Technology Lab and Centric Wealth Management adding shares in the third quarter. Dollar General 报告每股收益为 1.70 美元,低于预期 0.09 美元,收入为 102.1 亿美元。 Dollar General reported $1.70 earnings per share, missing estimates by $0.09, and revenue of $10.21 billion. 分析员调整了评级和价格目标,JP摩根和UBS降低了目标。 Analysts have adjusted their ratings and price targets, with JPMorgan and UBS lowering their targets. 该公司的股票现在由机构投资者和对冲基金拥有91.77%。 The company's stock is now owned 91.77% by institutional investors and hedge funds.