印度警方查封了与巴基斯坦有联系的7名恐怖分子的财产,另有29人正在办理手续。 Indian police attach properties of seven terrorists linked to Pakistan, with 29 more in process.
查谟和克什米尔警方已扣押了七名在巴基斯坦和巴基斯坦占领的克什米尔 (PoK) 潜逃的恐怖分子的财产。 Jammu and Kashmir Police have attached properties of seven absconding terrorists operating from Pakistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). 这一行动是在经过彻底调查之后采取的,是摧毁恐怖生态系统的更广泛战略的一部分。 This action follows a thorough investigation and is part of a broader strategy to dismantle the terror ecosystem. NIA特别法庭根据《刑事诉讼法》第83条签发了扣押令。 The NIA Special Court issued attachment orders under Section 83 CrPC. 扣押另外29名恐怖分子财产的进程也在进行中。 The process for attaching properties of 29 additional terrorists is also underway.