匈牙利总理奥班(Orban)提名财政部长米哈利·瓦尔加(Mihaly Varga)担任国家银行新行长。 Hungary's PM Orban nominates Finance Minister Mihaly Varga as new head of the National Bank.
匈牙利总理Viktor Orban提名财政部长Mihaly Varga为匈牙利国家银行新任行长,接替Gyorgy Matolcsy。 Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban has nominated Finance Minister Mihaly Varga as the new Governor of the National Bank of Hungary, succeeding Gyorgy Matolcsy. 由于匈牙利面临经济挑战,包括潜在的衰退和货币问题,Varga的提名已提交议会审批。 Varga's nomination, which has been submitted to parliament for approval, comes as Hungary faces economic challenges, including a potential recession and currency issues. Varga以其经济政策的谨慎态度著称,自2018年以来一直担任高级职位。 Varga, known for his cautious approach in economic policy, has held senior positions since 2018. 预计他的任命将对匈牙利的货币政策和经济治理产生影响。 His appointment is expected to impact Hungary's monetary policy and economic governance.