马耳他Naxxar工业综合体的火灾造成3名消防员受伤,这条道路已关闭供调查之用。 Fire at Malta's Naxxar industrial complex injures three firefighters, road closed for investigation.
星期四晚上,在马耳他Naxxar的工业综合体发生火灾,屋顶倒塌时有三名消防员受伤。 A fire erupted at an industrial complex in Naxxar, Malta, on Thursday night, injuring three firefighters when a roof collapsed. 2名受伤的消防员被送往Mater Dei医院。 Two injured firefighters were taken to Mater Dei Hospital. 起于一个储藏室的火灾现已得到控制,但随着民防部的调查,道路仍然关闭。 The fire, which started in a storage unit, is now under control, but the road remains closed as the Civil Protection Department investigates. Philip Galea Farrugia治安法官正在领导对这一事件的调查。 Magistrate Philip Galea Farrugia is leading the inquiry into the incident.