国会党在哈桑举行集会,提高士气,在地方选举前支持Siddaramaiah。 Congress party rallies in Hassan to boost morale and support Siddaramaiah before local elections.
12月5日,部长和国会党领袖将齐聚哈桑,参加一个名为Swabhimani Samavesha的重大活动,目的是提高党的士气,并表示支持首席部长Siddaramaiah。 Ministers and Congress party leaders are set to gather in Hassan on December 5 for a major event called Swabhimani Samavesha, aimed at boosting party morale and showing support for Chief Minister Siddaramaiah. 这次集会预计将吸引约10万人, 被视为国会党在地方选举前的实力表现, 以及对党内挑战的回应。 The rally, expected to draw around 100,000 people, is seen as a show of strength for the Congress party ahead of local elections and a response to challenges within the party. 尽管受到一些批评,但这次活动得到了国会主席拉胡尔·甘地的支持。 Despite some criticism, the event has the backing of Congress president Rahul Gandhi.