可口可乐在英国的圣诞卡车旅游, 目的是捐出最多100万份膳食用于慈善访问。 Coca-Cola's Christmas truck tours UK, aiming to donate up to one million meals for charity visits.
Coca-Cola的标志性圣诞卡车启动了英国之旅, 目的是向FareShare捐赠多达100万份食物, Coca-Cola's iconic Christmas truck has kicked off its UK tour, aiming to donate up to one million meals to FareShare, a charity fighting hunger and food waste, for every person who attends. 这辆卡车将于11月30日访问爱丁堡的Kinnard堡和12月1日访问盖茨海德市中心,提供节庆游戏、独家商品和季节性食品。 The truck, which will visit Fort Kinnard in Edinburgh on November 30 and the Metro Centre in Gateshead on December 1, offers festive games, exclusive merchandise, and seasonal food. 来访者在享受圣诞节活动的同时为慈善捐款。 Visitors contribute to the charity while enjoying Christmas activities.